Thursday, May 29, 2008

Meet and Greet BBQ

Last Sunday may have started off as a rainy and dreary day, but by 2:00 the rain had stopped and people were walking around the Alberta neighborhood again. That day Eric Steen and Sandy Sampson hosted the Meet and Greet BBQ at The Lot. People from that community had been invited and encouraged to bring something for the grill. Neighbors contributed chicken, corn, salad, and drinks. Marco Frattaroli, a local restaurant owner, roasted a pig and there were veggie burgers as well. About 25 community members met each other for the first time.

Eric and Sandy used the Meet and Greet primarily as a way to meet people in the neighborhood. They also used the day to launch the Neighborhood Resource Exchange, which essentially will connect neighbors who can help each other in various ways. Neighbors can fill out a form and drop it in a box near the lot if they have any needs or resources to offer other community members.

Sandy has a slideshow here.

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clipper fleet said...
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